
Ad Formats

« Main formats: Banner & Fullscreen »
« secondary formats: fixed banner, adaptive banner, interstitial, rewarded, rewarded interstitial »
« include example graphic for each format »
« link to compatibility matrix for per partner support »

« (?) should each format be separated to it’s own page? »

Ad Format to Creative Type Compatibility Matrix 🔗

Ad Format Creative Type
Interstitial Static, Video, MRAID, Playable, Animated GIFs
Rewarded Video, Playable, MRAID
Rewarded Interstitial Video, Playable, MRAID
Banner Static
Adaptive Banner Adaptive

Interstitial 🔗

Interstitial ads typically take over the entire screen of the mobile device and appear at natural transition points such as when a user completes a level in a mobile game, after they’ve submitted a form or when switching between pages or screens in an app. These ads are designed to be more engaging and attention-grabbing than traditional banner ads, as they offer a higher level of immersion and often feature a call-to-action button to encourage user interaction.

Creative Types

  • Static
  • Video
  • Playable
  • Animated GIFs

Rewarded 🔗

Rewarded ads are non-skippable and opt-in advertisement, which are generally in video format. This type of ad rewards incentives to the viewers, such as extra life a game, absolute essentials and so on as an alternative to in-app purchase. Rewarded ads are generally shown in the starting of a game or an app, in between levels or viewing something or when you need an essential item from that app. The rewarded ad generally create a long-lasting impact on the viewers, better retention and click-through rate, which leads to a higher return on investment.

Creative Types

  • Video
  • Playable

Rewarded Interstitial 🔗

Rewarded interstitial ads are the same as Rewarded ads, but does not require user opt-in.

Creative Types

  • Video
  • Playable

Static banner ads present a single, fixed image or graphic along with a call-to-action (CTA) button or text. It does not contain any interactive elements or animations. Also referred to as “fixed banner ads”. Banner ads will display for 30 seconds before refresh. This default value can be changed in your banner placement settings.

General banner size is 320x50 pixels.

Creative Types

  • Static

Adaptive Banner 🔗

Adaptive banner ads utilizes the available screen size ratio instead of a set banner size. This provides full width usage and adapts the height based on the device. Adaptive banner ads will display for 30 seconds before refresh. This default value can be changed in your banner placement settings.

Creative Types

  • Adaptive

Mediation Partners Supporting Adaptive Banners 🔗

The following Partners can return both adaptive and fixed banner ads:

Mediation Partners Not Supporting Adaptive Banners 🔗

The following Partners can only return fixed ads in adaptive banner placements:


  • Amazon Publisher Services
  • Chartboost
  • Meta
  • Mintegral


  • AppLovin
  • Chartboost
  • Digital Turbine Exchange (Fyber)
  • HyprMX
  • InMobi
  • Mintegral
  • Pangle
  • UnityAds
  • Verve

The following Partner will not return any banners (adaptive nor fixed ads):


  • Liftoff Monetize (Vungle)