Delegate Usage
By implementing Mediation delegate protocols you can get notifications about the success, failure, or lifecycle events of the Mediation SDK and its ad objects.
Module Observer Delegate π
Implement the ModuleObserver
protocol to receive Chartboost Mediation SDK initialization callbacks.
extension ChartboostMediationController: ModuleObserver {
func onModuleInitializationCompleted(_ result: ModuleInitializationResult) {
// Chartboost Mediation SDK initialization result is represented by the initialization result of
// an internal module with module ID `ChartboostMediation.coreModuleID`.
let moduleName = (result.moduleID == ChartboostMediation.coreModuleID ?
"Chartboost Mediation" : "Chartboost Core module \(result.moduleID)")
if let error = result.error {
print("[Error] \(moduleName) initialization failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
initializationResult = .failure(error)
} else {
print("[Success] \(moduleName) initialization succeeded")
initializationResult = .success(true)
Interstitial Ad Delegate π
Implement the FullscreenAdDelegate
protocol to receive notifications about interstitial ads loading, displaying, and closing.
extension FullscreenAdController: FullscreenAdDelegate {
func didRecordImpression(ad: FullscreenAd) {
log(action: "record impression", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
func didClick(ad: FullscreenAd) {
log(action: "click", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
func didReward(ad: FullscreenAd) {
log(action: "get reward", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
func didClose(ad: FullscreenAd, error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
log(action: "close", placementName: placementName, error: error)
func didExpire(ad: FullscreenAd) {
log(action: "expire", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
Banner Ad Delegate π
Implement the BannerAdViewDelegate
protocol to receive notifications about banner ads loading, displaying, and closing.
extension BannerAdController: BannerAdViewDelegate {
func willAppear(bannerView: BannerAdView) {
// Called when a new ad is about to appear inside of `bannerView`. This method can be used
// to manually size `bannerView` if desired:
// if let size = bannerView.size?.size {
// bannerView.frame.size = size
// }
// This method can also be used to check other updated properties of `bannerView`.
Ad Queueing Delegate π
Implement the FullscreenAdQueueDelegate
protocol to receive notifications on queued events.
extension QueuedAdViewController: FullscreenAdQueueDelegate {
func fullscreenAdQueue(_ adQueue: FullscreenAdQueue, didFinishLoadingWithResult result: AdLoadResult, numberOfAdsReady: Int) {
func fullscreenAdQueueDidRemoveExpiredAd(_ adQueue: FullscreenAdQueue, numberOfAdsReady: Int) {
print("Expired ad removed from queue, \(numberOfAdsReady) loaded ads remaining.")