
Get Started with iOS

Before You Begin πŸ”—

Current SDK version: 5.0.0
β†— Open Source
β†— SDK API Reference

Minimum Supported Development Tools πŸ”—

Software Version
Minimum Supported iOS Version 13
Minimum XCode Version 15
Swift 5.0+

Chartboost Core iOS SDK is required for Chartboost Mediation 5.x+ initialization and is designed to manage and facilitate different modules for your iOS application/game. Each module can be individually initialized with metrics collected and reported to offer detailed insights into the module’s performance and potential issues.

For more information, review our Chartboost Core SDK documentation.

Add the -ObjC Other Linker Flag πŸ”—

Add value -ObjC in the Other Linker Flags field under your project’s Build Settings for both Debug and Release.

Linking Additional Frameworks πŸ”—

Link the following frameworks to your project to support the Chartboost integration:

  • AVFoundation
  • CoreGraphics
  • Foundation
  • StoreKit
  • WebKit

Integration πŸ”—

In your Podfile, add the following entry:

pod 'ChartboostMediationSDK'

The packaged Mediation sample project includes a Podfile that needs the following to be executed before building and running the sample Mediation application in Xcode:

# In the directory where the Podfile exists
> pod install

Reminder: In case you have already run CocoaPods before, you may need to run pod update to be sure you’re getting the latest SDK.

> pod update