
Migration from Helium 3.X to Chartboost Mediation 4.X

Cocoapods πŸ”—

As part of Chartboost’s rebranding efforts, Chartboost Mediation 4.0.0 will be using all new Cocoapod names. Use the tables below to assist in migrating from the old Cocoapod name to the updated name.

Chartboost Mediation SDK πŸ”—

Helium 3.X Chartboost Mediation 4.0.0
ChartboostHelium ChartboostMediationSDK

Partner Adapters πŸ”—

Beginning with Chartboost Mediation SDK 4.0.0, the partner network adapters will no longer be bundled with the main Chartboost Mediation SDK distribution. This decoupling of the Helium SDK releases from the partner network adapter releases will allow for more rapid iterations of the adapters as the adapters will reside in their own open-source repositories.

Partner Network Helium 3.X Chartboost Mediation 4.0.0
AdMob ChartboostHeliumAdapterAdMob ChartboostMediationAdapterAdMob
Amazon Publisher Services ChartboostHeliumAdapterAPS ChartboostMediationAdapterAmazonPublisherServices
AppLovin ChartboostHeliumAdapterAppLovin ChartboostMediationAdapterAppLovin
Chartboost N/A ChartboostMediationAdapterChartboost
Digital Turbine Exchange ChartboostHeliumAdapterFyber hartboostMediationAdapterDigitalTurbineExchange
Google Bidding ChartboostHeliumAdapterGoogleBidding ChartboostMediationAdapterGoogleBidding
InMobi ChartboostHeliumAdapterInMobi ChartboostMediationAdapterInMobi
IronSource ChartboostHeliumAdapterIronSource ChartboostMediationAdapterIronSource
Meta Audience Network ChartboostHeliumAdapterFAN ChartboostMediationAdapterMetaAudienceNetwork
Mintegral ChartboostHeliumAdapterMintegral ChartboostMediationAdapterMintegral
Pangle ChartboostHeliumAdapterPangle ChartboostMediationAdapterPangle
Unity Ads ChartboostHeliumAdapterUnity ChartboostMediationAdapterUnityAds
Vungle ChartboostHeliumAdapterVungle ChartboostMediationAdapterVungle

Partner Adapter Repositories πŸ”—

Partner Network iOS Repository
Amazon Publisher Services
Digital Turbine Exchange
Google Bidding
Meta Audience Network
Unity Ads

Adapter Versioning Scheme πŸ”—

With Chartboost Mediation 4.X+, the partner adapter versions uses floating pegs and are formatted as follows:

  • Chartboost Mediation SDK Major Version: This is the major version of the Chartboost Mediation SDK that the adapter is compatible with.
  • Partner SDK Version: This is the full partner SDK version that the adapter is compatible with. Note that this could be the traditional major.minor.patch version scheme, but there are some partners that have a major.minor.patch.revision version scheme.
  • Adapter Revision: This is the full partner SDK version that the adapter is compatible with. Note that this could be the traditional major.minor.patch version scheme, but there are some partners that have a major.minor.patch.revision version scheme.

The following are some examples of adapter versions for Chartboost Mediation SDK 4.0.0.

Partner Adapter Version Chartboost Mediation SDK Major Version Compatible Partner SDK Version Adapter Revision
AdMob 4 21.5.0 2
IronSource 4 0

Public API πŸ”—

Module Name πŸ”—

As part of the rebranding effort, the name of the module has changed. You can easily perform a find and replace in the code base.

The following table shows the various Objective-C and Swift module imports and their renamed equivalents:

Helium 3.X Chartboost Mediation 4.0.0
#import <HeliumSdk/HeliumSdk.h> #import <ChartboostMediationSDK/ChartboostMediationSDK.h>
import HeliumSdk import ChartboostMediationSDK

Load Request Identifier πŸ”—

The load request identifier has been moved from being a return value from loads to a parameter in the load completion delegate callback.

Heliuim 3.x

  • if let banner = Helium.shared().bannerProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "your placement", andSize: .standard) {
        let requestIdentifier = banner.load(with: self)
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`
  • HeliumBannerView *banner = [[Helium sharedHelium] bannerProviderWithDelegate:self andPlacementName:@"your placement" andSize:CHBHBannerSize_Standard];
    if (banner != nil) {
            NSString *requestIdentifier = [banner loadAdWithViewController:self];
            // Handle `requestIdentifier`

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumBannerAd(placementName: String, requestIdentifier: String, winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?, didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`
  • - (void)heliumBannerAdWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName requestIdentifier:(NSString * _Nonnull)requestIdentifier winningBidInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)winningBidInfo didLoadWithError:(ChartboostMediationError * _Nullable)error {
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`

Interstitial πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • if let interstitial = Helium.shared().interstitialAdProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "your placement") {
        let requestIdentifier = interstitial.load()
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`
  • id<HeliumInterstitialAd> interstitial = [[Helium sharedHelium] interstitialAdProviderWithDelegate:self andPlacementName:@"your placement"];
    if (interstitial != nil) {
        NSString *requestIdentifier = [interstitial loadAd];
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumInterstitialAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, requestIdentifier: String, winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?, didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`
  • - (void)heliumInterstitialAdWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName requestIdentifier:(NSString * _Nonnull)requestIdentifier winningBidInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)winningBidInfo didLoadWithError:(ChartboostMediationError * _Nullable)error {
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`

Rewarded πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • if let rewarded = Helium.shared().rewardedAdProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "your placement") {
        let requestIdentifier = rewarded.load()
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`
  • id<HeliumRewardedAd> rewarded = [[Helium sharedHelium] rewardedAdProviderWithDelegate:self andPlacementName:@"your placement"];
    if (rewarded != nil) {
        NSString *requestIdentifier = [rewarded loadAd];
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumRewardedAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, requestIdentifier: String, winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?, didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`
  • - (void)heliumRewardedAdWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName requestIdentifier:(NSString * _Nonnull)requestIdentifier winningBidInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)winningBidInfo didLoadWithError:(ChartboostMediationError * _Nullable)error {
        // Handle `requestIdentifier`

Clear Loaded Ad πŸ”—

The return value for clearLoadedAd() has been removed, and it is assumed to succeed.

Helium 3.x

  • let success = banner.clear()
  • BOOL success = [banner clearAd];

Mediation 4.x

  • // The result of `clear` is assumed to succeed.
  • // The result of `clearAd` is assumed to succeed.
    [banner clearAd];

Interstitial πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • let success = interstitial.clearLoadedAd()
  • BOOL success = [interstitial clearLoadedAd];

Mediation 4.x

  • // The result of `clearLoadedAd` is assumed to succeed.
  • // The result of `clearLoadedAd` is assumed to succeed.
    [interstitial clearLoadedAd];

Rewarded πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • let success = rewarded.clearLoadedAd()
  • BOOL success = [rewarded clearLoadedAd];

Mediation 4.x

  • // The result of `clearLoadedAd` is assumed to succeed.
  • // The result of `clearLoadedAd` is assumed to succeed.
    [rewarded clearLoadedAd];

Merge Winning Bid Information with Load Completion πŸ”—

The optional winning bid delegates have been merged into the load completion delegate callbacks.

Helium 3.x

  • func heliumBannerAd(placementName: String, didLoadWinningBidWithInfo bidInfo: [String : Any]) {
        // Handle `bidInfo`
  • - (void)heliumBannerAdWithPlacementName:(NSString *)placementName didLoadWinningBidWithInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)bidInfo {
        // Handle `bidInfo`

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumBannerAd(placementName: String, requestIdentifier: String, winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?, didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        // Handle `winningBidInfo`
  • - (void)heliumBannerAdWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName requestIdentifier:(NSString * _Nonnull)requestIdentifier winningBidInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)winningBidInfo didLoadWithError:(ChartboostMediationError * _Nullable)error {
        // Handle `winningBidInfo`

Interstitial πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • func heliumInterstitialAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, didLoadWinningBidWithInfo bidInfo: [String : Any]) {
        // Handle `bidInfo`
  • - (void)heliumInterstitialAdWithPlacementName:(NSString *)placementName didLoadWinningBidWithInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)bidInfo {
        // Handle `bidInfo`

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumInterstitialAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, requestIdentifier: String, winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?, didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        // Handle `winningBidInfo`
  • - (void)heliumInterstitialAdWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName requestIdentifier:(NSString * _Nonnull)requestIdentifier winningBidInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)winningBidInfo didLoadWithError:(ChartboostMediationError * _Nullable)error {
        // Handle `winningBidInfo`

Rewarded πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • func heliumRewardedAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, didLoadWinningBidWithInfo bidInfo: [String : Any]) {
        // Handle `bidInfo`
  • - (void)heliumRewardedAdWithPlacementName:(NSString *)placementName didLoadWinningBidWithInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)bidInfo {
        // Handle `bidInfo`

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumRewardedAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, requestIdentifier: String, winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?, didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        // Handle `winningBidInfo`
  • - (void)heliumRewardedAdWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName requestIdentifier:(NSString * _Nonnull)requestIdentifier winningBidInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)winningBidInfo didLoadWithError:(ChartboostMediationError * _Nullable)error {
        // Handle `winningBidInfo`

New Rewarded Callback πŸ”—

The integer value from the old reward callback has been removed since it never provided useful information.

Rewarded πŸ”—

Helium 3.x

  • func heliumRewardedAd(withPlacementName placementName: String, didGetReward reward: Int) {
        // Old reward was an integer and never provided useful information
  • - (void)heliumRewardedAdWithPlacementName:(NSString *)placementName didGetReward:(NSInteger)reward {
        // Old reward was an integer and never provided useful information

Mediation 4.x

  • func heliumRewardedAdDidGetReward(withPlacementName placementName: String) {
        // Rewarding was successful
  • - (void)heliumRewardedAdDidGetRewardWithPlacementName:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementName {
        // Rewarding was successful

Error Codes πŸ”—

Helium 4.0.0 introduces a new system of errors (plus dozens of brand new ones) complete with diagnosis and recommendation.

See Error Codes for more information.