
Keywords Management

« specific to only keywords and creating keywords. Reference Rules page when necessary »

  • Keywords overview
  • Keyword Types & Operations
  • Creating Custom Keywords
  • Reserved Keywords

Overview πŸ”—

Keywords provide more advanced and personalized line item targeting in waterfalls. Utilize our selection of pre-defined reserved keywords or create your own custom keywords.

Example Use Cases:

  • Use version targeting to disable certain SDK adapter versions or app versions if those versions are causing issues.
  • Use device targeting to customize your audience.

Keyword Types & Operations πŸ”—

Value input is limited to 256 characters.

Keyword Type Operation Value Input Expected Result
Boolean == true or false Is equal to the value input
Boolean != true or false Is not equal to the value input
String == any text Is equal to the value input
String != any text Is not equal to the value input
Number == any number 0-9 including decimals and negative numbers Is equal to the value input
Number != any number 0-9 including decimals and negative numbers Is not equal to the value input
Number > any number 0-9 including decimals and negative numbers Is greater than the value input
Number < any number 0-9 including decimals and negative numbers Is less than the value input
Number >= any number 0-9 including decimals and negative numbers Is greater than or equal to the value input
Number <= any number 0-9 including decimals and negative numbers Is less than or equal to the value input
Version == any semantic versioned number (e.g. 123.456.789 or 1.2.3) Is equal to the value input
Version != any semantic versioned number (e.g. 123.456.789 or 1.2.3) Is not equal to the value input
Version > any semantic versioned number (e.g. 123.456.789 or 1.2.3) Is greater than the value input
Version < any semantic versioned number (e.g. 123.456.789 or 1.2.3) Is less than the value input
Version >= any semantic versioned number (e.g. 123.456.789 or 1.2.3) Is greater than or equal to the value input
Version <= any semantic versioned number (e.g. 123.456.789 or 1.2.3) Is less than or equal to the value input

Custom Keywords πŸ”—

Create your own keywords and assign one of the four types: number, string, version, and boolean.


  • Keyword name is limited to letters A-Z a-z, numbers 0-9, and underscores _.
  • Keyword name cannot re-use any of the reserved keyword names.

Reserved Keywords πŸ”—

Reserved keywords are pre-defined and can be used without any additional setup.

Ad Tracking πŸ”—

Keyword Type Definition
Limited Ad Tracking Number Input 0 to target users with unrestricted tracking, input 1 to target users with limited tracking.

Note: Specific device model/OS and location may require additional privacy setting targeting. For iOS 15+ devices, Limited Ad Tracking is enabled by default. For EEA devices, personalized ad consent is disabled by default.

Country Targeting πŸ”—

Keyword Type Definition
Mobile Country Code String Input a valid Mobile Country Code (MCC)
Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code String Input a valid Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) separated with a dash. (e.g. 310-004 targets USA-Verizon)

Device Specific Targeting πŸ”—

Keyword Type Definition
Device Language String Input a valid device language to target
Device Make String Input a valid device make to target
Device Model String Input a valid device model to target
Device OS String Input a valid device OS to target

Other πŸ”—

Keyword Type Definition
Impression Depth Number Number of shown impressions per device for a given ad type

Privacy Setting Targeting πŸ”—

Keyword Type Definition
Is CCPA Boolean Input true to include or false to exclude CCPA compliant ads
Is COPPA Boolean Input true to include or false to exclude COPPA compliant ads
Is GDPR Boolean Input true to include or false to exclude GDPR compliant ads
Is GDPR Consent Boolean Input true to include or false to exclude GDPR consent-yes users
Is IFA Boolean Input true to target users with Identifier for Advertisers (IFA) or false to target users without Identifier for Advertisers (IFA)

General Version Targeting πŸ”—

Keyword Type Definition
App Version Version Input a valid app version number to target
Device OS Version Version Input a valid device OS version number to target
SDK Version Version Use this keyword if your Mediation SDK is 4.x or newer. Input a valid Mediation SDK version number to target.
Helium SDK Version Version Use this keyword if your Mediation SDK is 3.x or older. Input a valid Mediation SDK version number to target.

Network Adapter Version Targeting (v4.x+) πŸ”—

Use these keywords if your Mediation SDK is on version 4.x or newer.
Refer to our Network Adapter chart for a list of valid compatible adapter versions.

Keyword Type Definition
AdMob Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Amazon APS Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Applovin Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Bidmachine Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Chartboost Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Meta Audience Network Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Fyber Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Google Bidding Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
HyprMX Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
HyprMX Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
InMobi Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
ironSource Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Mintegral Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Mobilefuse Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Pangle Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Unity Ads Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Verve Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target
Vungle Adapter Version Version Input a valid adapter version number to target

Network Adapter Version Targeting (v3.x-) πŸ”—

Use these keywords if your Mediation SDK is on version 3.x or older.
Refer to our Network Adapter chart for a list of valid compatible adapter versions.

Keyword Type Definition
AdMob Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Amazon APS Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Applovin Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Bidmachine Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Chartboost Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Meta Audience Network Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Fyber Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Google Bidding Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
InMobi Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
ironSource Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Mintegral Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Mobilefuse Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Pangle Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Unity Ads Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Verve Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target
Vungle Helium SDK Version Version Input a valid network SDK version number to target